If you are having trouble with your credit card, generally it's the address mismatch that is the big culprit! This means that the address you have listed in your billing info doesn't match what the card issuer has on file (this includes the street name, number, city and zip code). You may want to double check your billing address and make sure it matches up.
If the address matches, it may be a bounce from your card provider due to either insufficient funds or if they are monitoring your card as they are concerned about fraudulent activity.
We can see why cards don't go through, but as a security feature of the processor, we are given very limited information. You may want to call the number on the back of your card to get to the bottom of it as they will have more information that we can get on our end. We are happy to look into it on our end, too, so let us know if you need us to take a peek at your account to see what we can!
If the address matches, it may be a bounce from your card provider due to either insufficient funds or if they are monitoring your card as they are concerned about fraudulent activity.
We can see why cards don't go through, but as a security feature of the processor, we are given very limited information. You may want to call the number on the back of your card to get to the bottom of it as they will have more information that we can get on our end. We are happy to look into it on our end, too, so let us know if you need us to take a peek at your account to see what we can!
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